Trezor® Hardware® Wallet®

Keep your digital wealth safe with the Trezor Hardware Wallet. Offering top-notch security features and user-friendly design, it's the trusted choice for storing your cryptocurrencies with peace...

If you lose or damage your Trezor hardware wallet, you can still recover your funds using the recovery seed (also known as the seed phrase) that you generated during the initial setup process. Here are the steps you should take to recover your funds:

  1. Get a New Trezor Device: If your Trezor device is lost or damaged beyond repair, you'll need to purchase a new one. Make sure to buy it from a reputable source to avoid counterfeit products.

  2. Install Trezor Software: Connect your new Trezor device to your computer and follow the instructions to install any necessary software, such as Trezor Bridge, if you haven't already done so.

  3. Access Recovery Mode: When setting up your new Trezor device, you'll be given the option to recover an existing wallet. Select this option to begin the recovery process.

  4. Enter Recovery Seed: Follow the on-screen instructions to enter your recovery seed. You'll be prompted to enter each word of your recovery seed in the order provided during the initial setup process.

  5. Verify Seed Entry: After entering the recovery seed, the device will ask you to verify that you've entered the correct words. This helps ensure that you've accurately recorded your recovery seed.

  6. Set Up New PIN (Optional): If you had a PIN code set up on your previous Trezor device, you'll need to set up a new PIN for your new device.

  7. Complete Setup: Once you've entered your recovery seed and set up any additional security features, your new Trezor device will be fully set up and ready to use.

  8. Check Wallet Balance: After completing the setup process, you should check your wallet balance to ensure that your funds have been successfully recovered. You can do this by accessing your wallet through the Trezor software or a compatible wallet interface.

It's important to note that during the recovery process, you must enter the recovery seed accurately and in the correct order. Additionally, make sure to keep your recovery seed secure and never share it with anyone. If someone gains access to your recovery seed, they can potentially access your funds.

Last updated